
Friday Jun 29, 2018
The Great Commission
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Text: Matthew 28:18-20
We are to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ Christ throughout the world. The Church should not be silent of the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Friday Jun 08, 2018
The Potential Of Prayer
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Hebrews 11:6
Knowing that prayer rewards you with potential is a key to growing in knowledge and maturity in your walk with the Lord. Prayer is putting oneself in the Hands of God.

Monday May 21, 2018
The Position Of Prayer
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Text: Acts 2:1-4
The four distinct areas of prayer that we must be disciplined in as we build a life of prayer before the Lord. This text expresses agreement in prayer and establishes a platform for those in prayer to understand the power of prayer. The Holy Spirit is always ready to bring you into a miraculous encounter with God.

Saturday May 19, 2018
Emphasis On Prayer
Saturday May 19, 2018
Saturday May 19, 2018
Text: Genesis 4:25-26
Men and women have sought the Lord for direction, forgiveness, and deliverance. Throughout history, we notice the emphasis on prayer being magnified in its importance as one has an encounter with God.

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Refuse To Sink
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Hebrews 6:19
When storms come and begin to press against you, realize that Jesus is in the storm with you. He will protect you and bring you through the storm. He will never leave nor forsake you. Refuse to sink!

Saturday May 05, 2018
Three Enemies Of Your Soul
Saturday May 05, 2018
Saturday May 05, 2018
Text: Matthew 21:21
Let’s take a journey together about facing enemies of the soul which daily strike at your walk with Jesus.
The enemies of the soul: Doubt, Fear, Worry. The three enemies supply fuel for anxiety.

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
What Can He Do?
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Ephesians 3:1-21
There are many times that one may feel just what can the Lord do for me? I have messed up, failed again, flawed my hopes through sin, fearing more than I have faith, and futilities (uselessness) outweigh my usefulness.
That type of thinking creates an attitude and approach of unfaithfulness!
However, you are a child of God and He can and will lift you up!

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Surrendering Through Prayer
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
1 Samuel 1:8-22
Surrender is a word that is often regarded as negative and losing something through a war or battle. However, in the Kingdom of God, it is a significant word for as we encounter God and give up those things that may block our relationship with Him.
There are also those moments of surrender that we realize are not much when compared to what Jesus did for us on this earth through the Cross.
When we give our desires to the Lord He will receive them and expects us to walk in them as though they now are His to tend to.

Saturday Apr 07, 2018
What Do You Look For?
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Luke 24:5-7
Humanity has been producing children since the beginning of time as it is recorded in the Bible.
No one has ever touched as many people like Jesus. Since the hovering of the Holy Spirit over Mary and then the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world, more people have been renewed, forgiven, set free, delivered, and saved by His presence and His name!
Billions upon billions have been saved. There are still so many more to tell of the saving Grace of God through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
This is why this Sunday celebrated on different dates in March or April (usually April) remains so essential not to just heaven but humanity. He came to save the world not judge the world.

Saturday Apr 07, 2018
You Are Not An Orphan
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
Saturday Apr 07, 2018
John 14:18
There are times when loneliness and despair can make you feel distant from others, even from your family. This distance clearly seems farther than it is and can make you think you are orphaned or forgotten about.
Jesus came into this world to connect all of us back to the Father. Bringing a continuous connection along with eternal promise which began at creation and is available to all that call upon His name to be saved.
He promises in John 14:18 “I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, bereaved, and helpless]; I will come [back] to you. [AMP]
This promise is an invitation and a hope that you will be orphaned and away from God.