
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Everyone Is Looking
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Mark 1:37
When you give your heart to The Lord and ask for forgiveness, you become a Christian. As a Christian, you identify with Jesus Christ and His Word. You now become someone that others look at as a Christian. This identification is where people look at you and to you so they can see Jesus. Knowing there is hope through your testimony and lifestyle, which replicates the love of Jesus toward others.

Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Mary's Song
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Tuesday Jan 01, 2019
Text: Luke 1:47-50
The song of Mary when she greeted Elizebeth tell a story of her rejoicing and dedication to being the mother of Jesus, her Savior, and our Savior. There was no criticism at all from Elizebeth toward her cousin being with a child without being betrothed yet to Joseph. There was a witness from her that Jesus was the coming Savior!

Friday Dec 14, 2018
The Intersection: Where Greatness Is Birthed
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Genesis 17:16-18
Your purpose is essential and not vague! What you carry in your heart will be birthed and that which you birth will be destiny for others. What The Lord has placed in you has promise and hope for many people. Your birthing is not commonplace but spiritual and will accomplish generational blessings to others.

Friday Dec 14, 2018
Salvation Is Not Common
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Friday Dec 14, 2018
Text: Mark 10:45; Galatians 5:13
Salvation has an effect on your life that is "now" and also "eternal." When you receive the Lord as your Savior, you become a new creation and old things pass away and behold all thing become new!
There is a "real" change in your approach in life and your attitude toward everyday circumstances. The aptitude you now have is the knowledge of sin and how it can separate you from your Savior, Jesus Christ. Always choose to walk in the "Light," not in the darkness of sin.

Saturday Nov 17, 2018
The Race of Faith
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
1 Corinthians 9:24; Hebrews 12:1
We all are in the race. We must run with endurance keeping our eyes on the prize, the goal, the finish line. We must run to win! We must not run in vain nor should we labor in vain.

Thursday Nov 08, 2018
The Lord Does Not Forget You
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Text: John 11:43-44
The Lord does not forget you nor does He overlook you. Your steps are ordered by the Lord! Sometimes prayer takes time to be answered. Never give up for the Lord has not given up on you! Even when promises and hopes become so dark that they seem dead, they have no life anymore. He speaks life into you and your dreams, hopes, and promises.

Saturday Oct 27, 2018
The Path That Binds Hope
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
1 Kings 19:1-3
Choices that can bind your hope can and will cause you difficulties. The choice you make is yours. It very important that you do not allow fear, worry, and doubt to control your thoughts. Faith, hope, and joy will free you from these three mentioned binding emotions. Faith gives you promise, potential, and purpose.

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
You Are Valuable
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Matthew 6:25-27

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
What Is In Your Hand?
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Exodus 4:1-2
The prevailing thought of so many is that I do not have enough to offer that will make a difference. This thought is not right. The Lord can use your little to do much. Trust what you have and see what He will do with it. The "key" to success is surrender.

Monday Sep 24, 2018
The Model Prayer - Part 6
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Matthew 6:13
The temptation is not what the Lord brings into our life. We are to pray that we do not succumb to temptation. The many tests of our faith are the stages in our walk with Him that our character becomes stronger through Him and in Him. His Kingdon reigns and His power protects and guards us against the wiles of the enemy, and His glory is what we reside in throughout our life.