
Monday May 23, 2011
House of Mercy
Monday May 23, 2011
Monday May 23, 2011
Text: John 5:2-9 In this text the fulfillment of a mans hopes are witnessed by his healing at the Pool of Bethesda. Even though he gave an excuse why he was not healed Jesus showed him Grace and gave him the command to rise. Often when Jesus speaks to the hearts of people about their crippling situations the first response is an excuse why it has not happened. The beauty about His mercy and compassion is that He always has the right command for all. The "get up and go" is appropriate to our lives when Jesus may find us withered spiritually by a circumstance. Always be ready and obedient to His commands. His purpose is to help you in all things.

Monday May 16, 2011
The Great Escape
Monday May 16, 2011
Monday May 16, 2011
Text: 2 Peter 1:2-4 We are made part of God's Divine Nature through God's power and His promises. We are regenerated by His Word and we have been born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible through the Word of God. We have an escape through God, through prayer and through praise. On the basis of these publicly declared commitments, the believer becomes a sharer of that riches of all treasurers, the nature and life of God.

Thursday May 12, 2011
The Response of Gratitiude
Thursday May 12, 2011
Thursday May 12, 2011
Luke 17:11-19 In today's society thankfulness or gratitude, if you will, is lacking in most areas. The words "Thank You" or "Great Job" seem to be losing meaning in the language of families, local places of employment and in normal conversation. Showing gratitude even for the greatest tasks can be often times overlooked by the character of this modern society. I assume, yet would have deep conviction that even after a miracle such as had been portrayed here in the text, would conjure up a great bit of gratitude from all that were involved.

Friday May 06, 2011
He Is Alive
Friday May 06, 2011
Friday May 06, 2011
Text: Luke 24:1-12 The Day was not a normal day in the world even though it seemed to start the same. Yes, the sun would come up, the animals in the fields would act the same. Children would be playing, businesses would open - Just a typical day in Jerusalem. But it was not usual: Jesus Christ, the Son of God has risen from the dead, Alive forevermore! He has conquered the grave and sin, so all mankind could be saved. The revelation of who He is shown in His resurrection along with the reconciliation that he provided to all that would call upon His Name for redemption. He is alive!

Monday May 02, 2011
It Is Not Complicated
Monday May 02, 2011
Monday May 02, 2011
Text: Romans 8:1; 2 Corinthians 5:7 It is not complicated to have a true relationship with the Lord. Certainly, it is not difficult or complicated to live out what you believe. To have the language of hope and to express that hope in your speech and actions. Also, to walk and live in the Spirit is a wonderful blessing in the lives of those who attach themselves to this spiritual action. The lifestyle of a Christian is dynamic and full of joy. The Word of God is not complicated and offers truth, comfort and salvation to all those that will believe.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
The Triumphant Entry of Jesus
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Text: Luke 19:28-40 Often times when we realize someone is coming to see us or even a predominant figure in society is coming to the city we live or near by we begin to prepare for the entrance and the visit. This time of the year we are celebrating the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. Respecting these facts and applying them to our lives really causes two different committed reactions from all that will receive Christ as Savior. The reaction of the crowd and the reaction of the Pharisees give us the conclusion to the meaning of "walking close" to Jesus and serving at His feet. He is dedicated to mankind. He is determined to reconcile. He is demonstrating His love for all.

Saturday Apr 16, 2011
Faith - What It Is
Saturday Apr 16, 2011
Saturday Apr 16, 2011
Faith expresses the active trust we have in the Lord our God. When one lives by faith there is a total reliance on God and His promises. The Lord continues to lead by His Word and the hope that one has in His Word is a surety to the soul. In Romans 10:17, there is a definite way that faith comes into the life of a believer. Hebrews 11:1 declares the definition of faith and it targets the belief system one must have to receive from the Lord. Faith is active, real and specific in the life of a believer. God has given the believer a measure of faith. Always put your faith and trust in God.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
Observing the Word of God
Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
Text: James 1:21-25 Often times the place that you observe from does not give you the complete picture. The higher the ground the better the view. Going to God's Word to observe how the Lord sees situations can give you deeper wisdom and knowledge. The distinct difference between seeing spiritually compared to looking through a carnal approach can keep one from really seeing the fulness of any spiritually sound word or commandment of the Lord. Keeping a view of God's Word close will always give you the best observation in any circumstance.

Saturday Apr 02, 2011
Saturday Apr 02, 2011
Saturday Apr 02, 2011
Sermon Text: Exodus 8:1-15 This message of salvation challenges everyone to not procrastinate on making the choice to be forgiven. God's forgiveness is for everyone. Do not put off being saved till tomorrow! He, the Lord God Almighty, is ready today to forgive all that come to Him. Tomorrow is not for sure, James 4:13-14, but today salvation has come to your house, Luke 19:9a.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
The Lord Has Your Back
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Tuesday Mar 15, 2011
Text: Exodus 14:19 There are many testimonies which give hope for the child of God in the Word. During conflict, perplexed moments, fear and confrontations the Lord is always there to help and bring victory. Everyday there are opportunities to find help from the Lord. When the best of times come and even when the times that are the most difficult, He has our backs. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He is always there for us.