
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
A Call To Fast
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Seek the Lord in prayer and let your decisions about your fast come from Him. Ask the Lord to show you areas to target during your time of fasting and prayer. Start with a clear goal and make a commitment to stick to your fast. Fasting is a really a great way to get close to God and to bring the flesh into submission.

Monday Dec 31, 2012
Faith That Prevails
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
When we are aware of troubles we should not attend to them as though they are children who need attention, but we should be more aware of the faith we have in our God. It is not your faith you have faith in it is God’s faith where your promise of fulfillment lies. Pray about the future God has promised and embrace that as a newborn baby, which is reaching to you for, care and love.

Monday Dec 31, 2012
The Response From One
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
The Lord speaks a word of direction to ten lepers in Luke-17-14 “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they were going, they were cleansed. Obedience is such an enormous and fundamental part of being healed and provided for. However, just one returned and gave praise for what Jesus had done for all of them. How often do we experience a blessing from the Lord and forget to praise Him!

Monday Dec 31, 2012
The Purpose of Faith
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Faith declares that God can make something beautiful out of something that is neither beautiful nor ugly. Because it does not exist, He creates from that, which did not exist. God is the framer of time and space. His word (Gr rhēma) was the creative fiat (an official order of authorization); He spoke, and it came into being. God’s Word accomplishes thing in our lives and around our lives.

Monday Dec 31, 2012
Faith Continues
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Monday Dec 31, 2012
Faith continues in our lives!It is a gift from God and and a blessing to help us overcome life's obstacles. Faith is positive not negative. It is optimistic not pessimistic. Faith discloses God’s plans and purpose for your life. Praying in faith and believing God in faith opens doors into the miraculous that cannot be described by the unbeliever nor seen by their eyes. The believer lives by faith and is patient in faith seeking the promises that God has given.

Saturday Dec 08, 2012
The Tesimony of Faith
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
The gift of faith that is given to each Christian is one of the most dynamic gifts that one will receive. Faith is not just a gift but also a tool, which represents the “heart-sight” of circumstances that seem to be insurmountable. The Word of God and the promises of God for your life now measure what was once immeasurable. Convincing proof to the believer: the soul thereby seeing what the eye cannot see. Faith believes what it cannot see. Faith is an assent unto truths credible upon the testimony of God, delivered to us through His Word. Our hope is for the future becomes present truth when faith is applied. We have a conviction, evidence, which is undeniable and gives claim to what is promised by God through His Word.

Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Worrying Won't Make It Better
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Worrying about material things is foolish because it accomplishes nothing. He reminds us to have our values straight—life consists of far more than food and clothing. Jesus was poor, yet how happy and peaceful He was! Do not worry about your future but have faith in the God who has planned out your future and destiny. There is always hope, which never disappoints!

Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Be Confident - He Listens
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
The Lord invites us to call upon Him in Jeremiah 33:3. The Lord listens to your call and responds with truth and declares things to you that you did not know. He hears your heart as you call to Him in the hour of prayer, the time of prayer and the moment of prayer. He will help you with all your decisions. Bring God into your decisions and wait upon Him to lead you into your future.

Monday Nov 12, 2012
How Love Repairs You
Monday Nov 12, 2012
Monday Nov 12, 2012
It is in his close union with God (referring to the mutual relationship) that a believer’s love is made complete or perfected in order that he will have no fear in the day of judgment. The “function of love in the believer’s life is the impartation of a bold confidence that will enable him to stand before the judgment seat of Christ without fear or shame. Fear can torment you so deeply that you become "stuck", unable to move, finding yourself believing you have no hope! Love repairs the fear, which so often can paralyze you!

Thursday Nov 08, 2012
The Everlasting Fire
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
The importance of our relationship with God should not be placed on a shelf somewhere or put on the proverbial back burner. The fire that God placed in your heart is His fire. A fire that burns eternally and with q consuming fire! He has put this fire there so you will always remember that He had consumed all of you!