
Sunday May 19, 2013
Dream On Do Not Give Up
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
Text: Genesis 37:1-11 Joseph dreamed and never gave up on his dream that the Lord gave him. Even through adversity from family and friends, he never threw his dream to the wayside. He trusted in what he knew would come to pass even through loneliness. Always remember to dream your dream and never give up on what you know the Lord has promised you. Believe that God is sufficient. He has given you the gifts you need to realize His purpose in you.

Sunday May 19, 2013
The Right Place - Your Destiny
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
Text: Joshua 24:15; Judges 2:10; Judges 6:1-11; Judges 6:25-27 Do not let yourself be convinced by anyone or distracted by anything that you find yourself in the: right place doing the wrong thing; wrong place at the right time; Wrong place at the wrong time! But find yourself at the right the place at the right time. This needs to be spiritually discerned. Words of great commitment were spoken by Israel in their response to Joshua. Those that followed did not declare the history or the intervention of the Lord to a new generation! That which followed was fertile ground for apostasy (renunciation of faith), restoration and renewed apostasy!

Sunday May 19, 2013
Is Anything To Hard For The Lord?
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
Text: Genesis 18:13-15; Ezekiel 37:1-4; Matthew 9:23-25; John 11:1-12 The Word of God is full of the testimonies of what God will do when one believes in His promises, His Word, His power to regenerate, create and restore!

Sunday May 19, 2013
The Invitation To Repent
Sunday May 19, 2013
Sunday May 19, 2013
Mark 6:11-13 Repentance is a very positive word in our language but can be sought as and misconstrued as negative. So many reason why, one is that pride often compels a person(s) to act as though there is no need for repentance in their life. However, when you read the Word in it application you will soon learn that repentance is a major word throughout the Bible. Jesus came that we would have an opportunity to repent and be forgiven of our sin.

Monday Feb 18, 2013
Remaining Faithful
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
The widow had no lawyer, but we have a High Priest at the throne of God in heaven. She had no promises, but we have a Bible filled with promises we can claim. She was an outsider, but we are the children of God! What a privilege it is to pray! Remember that God’s delays are not the delays of inactivity but of preparation. God does not need you to wear Him out. He is ready to bless you and answer your prayer. He never sleeps nor slumbers.
- Praise – Acknowledges God – The Author and Finisher of our Faith.
- Prayer – Strengthens faith – an existence of faith.
- Purpose – Give foundation to your goals – The expectancy of completion of hope.

Monday Feb 18, 2013
Remember The Good Part 3
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Nehemiah was not interested in position, power, prestige, or possessions. He was simply interested in living in obedience to God and being of service to the people of that Jewish community. Because of his total commitment to the Lord, he was successful in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His motives were pure, and he never lost sight of God’s calling in his life. All should remember what Nehemiah represented here in our text. A leader with a heart for people, reminding all that repentance is what God desires. His commitment to the Lord and all that the Lord commands is a true example to those who desire to serve His Church. Never forget to remind God of the good that you are doing, not for your self-interest and promotion but unveil the blessings that God has stored up for you! His response to the need, his prayer unto God and repentance of heart and his request for God to remember his works unto those who needed to have a giving hand!

Monday Feb 18, 2013
Remember The Good Part 2
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Nehemiah was an energetic leader who combined a deep trust in the Lord with precise planning, careful organization, and discreet but energetic action. Christian leaders find inspiration in Nehemiah and his character. Nehemiah was not interested in position, power, prestige, or possessions. He was simply interested in living in obedience to God and being of service to the people of that Jewish community. Because of his total commitment to the Lord, he was successful in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

Monday Feb 18, 2013
Remember The Good Part 1
Monday Feb 18, 2013
Monday Feb 18, 2013
The heart of Nehemiah is shown in these verses. His willingness to provide for the poor and continue with the burden of rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem. A wall that was dismantled and broken apart. A community in deep disrepair. A wall that now held no defense against the enemy. A wall that seemed to be unrepairable by some but not Nehemiah. He came because of the burden he felt from the Lord about Jerusalem and her physical condition that also mirrored her spiritual condition.

Friday Jan 25, 2013
Step Forward
Friday Jan 25, 2013
Friday Jan 25, 2013
There stood the Creator, as a man, now upon this earth to bring all mankind to the Father through Him. With compassion in His heart and the knowledge of what He could do. He has stretched out the heavens and placed the stars in their place. He had created man from the dust of the ground, which He also created. He created the Law because He was the Law. He created the Sabbath for men and He was the Lord of the Sabbath. He stretched out his hand, maybe shaking, embarrassed, but yet there was a glare of faith in his eyes coupled with hope and deep expectation. His hand, by the faith in Jesus, was made whole just like the other one!

Monday Jan 14, 2013
Master of Breakthroughs
Monday Jan 14, 2013
Monday Jan 14, 2013
Today, as any other day, may seem to be overwhelming and burdensome because of the many decisions and battles you confront. You may ask yourself, why me Lord? What have I done to such pressure and intense attacks upon my character and person? You must know that the Word is filled with testimonies that speak of God’s BREAKTHROUGH for His children! You too can have that breakthrough, which is that force that broke though the damn that was keeping your miracle withheld. Do you need a breakthrough today? Can you be courageous enough to say goodbye to the past and hello to your future. You can pick up the enemies idols and remove them from you home, situation, and your personal life! You need to meet the Mater of Breakthroughs