
Monday Aug 12, 2013
Trust Given To Whom You Have Surrendered To
Monday Aug 12, 2013
Monday Aug 12, 2013
2 Timothy 1:1-14
When we look into the Word of God we find that there is a depth of trust that is needed to accomplish the steps which have been given to each of us, individually, as we journey through this life. Either way you look at “surrender and trust” you will find that there is no “grey” area.
Being persuaded, being determined and being faithful in your relationship with the Lord and trusting that which you have deposited with Him He will keep it safely and securely until the Day of Lord! He, The Lord, will not let anything hinder nor disturb His promises that He has promised you! For He cannot not lie!
Surrendering to God is surrendering all and what you receive in return is more than you could ever hope for!

Monday Jul 29, 2013
High Places
Monday Jul 29, 2013
Monday Jul 29, 2013
Adam and Eve were given a command from the God not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Genesis 2:17
17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
They were to trust totally in the relationship they had with the Lord and not set any other relationships before Him nor to have any other aspirations but to serve Him in the pureness of holiness. This world we dwell in today has set up high places to worship God at and these places are not approved of the Lord. The Word speaks such to us that we should worship God and Him alone!

Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Divine Connection
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Text: John 17:1-5; John 17:20-24
We could discuss the matter of being one for hours upon hours. Debating what Jesus meant in His prayer of being one with the Father as He is one with Him. We could compare different religions and their doctrine and dogma as it relates to this ultimate prayer of Jesus Christ, God’s Only Begotten Son, who is God.
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
However, debating the Word and dissecting (analyzing) it will not bring the truth that Jesus was praying here in this prayer! Yes, it would bring some consolation but not the depth of meaning that the Church needs to know!
There is a depth of spiritual truth here that is attained only by faith in God and trust in His forbearing love for His creation and the people that have been called by His name! Humanity in it own is lost and without God but with Jesus… We are connected again!

Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Obedience In The Place
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Saturday Jul 27, 2013
Text: Acts 2:1-4; Philippians 2:1-3; Romans 15:4-6
When you stop and really think about this awesome event that happened on the Day of Pentecost or the Feast of Pentecost you are made deeply aware of the birth of the Church and her initial characteristics of unity and faith in a living God!
Patience, Trust, and Obedience match as one unit of belief amongst 120 Christians waiting for the promise to be fulfilled! It was and with great power and an overflowing charismata that gripped the city of Jerusalem. To point of even asking the question: Whatever could this means?
Oh, that we could hear this question asked again (not repeating the Day of Pentecost) but for the Church to live in such unity and like-mindedness that the world would ask that question! They would ask again: Men and brethren, what shall we do?

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Connecting As A Community
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
The question comes to mind of how one can accept all from the Lord and yet desire to give nothing back? The time between what really we have and what we can take with us to glory is but a breath (twinkling) away! What we have here on this earth cannot dwell in the heavens with the King of Glory!
The Church responds throughout history towards the commands of God, which are not burdensome. The Church maintains the doctrines of the Word as a rule of the Kingdom. When people begin to love the world more than God and love evil more than good is where the danger lies. The Church should always stand in unity on matters that will exemplify the principles of God’s Word.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Communicating With God
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Text: Psalm 40:1-3
Casting yourself and your situation completely upon the Lord. Prayer is the means that God has ordained for working His purposes out in the lives of His children.
Wherever you are now, or where the church is now: In a pit of despair, defeat, destruction, devastation – Pray and wait patiently and God will respond and you will be delivered! Free once again to worship and show the world that there is the One True God who they can revere and trust in!
Answered prayer increases your faith!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
The Seed And The Sower
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Text: Luke 8:4-8; Luke 8:11-15
In every detail of Kingdom work there is a warfare that involves those that are fully committed to the task of extending and advancing the Kingdom of God and the enemy who desires to stop the work of the Kingdom.
Victory comes when the sower chooses the (right) seed to sow into the right place and has patience to wait for the harvest.
As sowers of the seed (Word of God) we must place the seed as often as we can. Whether it lands on good soil or not will not be the concern of the sower but the concern of the receiver of the seed (soil). That is why a farmer prepares the soil so it will receive the seed and produce a harvest when nurtured and watered. Waiting for it to receive the early and latter rain.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
God's Increase
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Text: 1 Corinthians 3:5-16; Psalm 127:1; Matthew 7:24-28; Luke 14:27-29
Church growth is ultimately the Lord’s work. The part that we take is obedience and commitment to the directives and commandments of the Lord. If there is no planting there is no harvest! If there is not watering the seed (plant) then there is no life not increase. So it quite logical that if you want a harvest you must sow the seed and water it! From your sowing a reaping will come! It depends on how much you sow and how much watering you do!
To many people attend fellowships with the idea that there is nothing for them to do or they just do not want to do anything! There is real commitment to sowing and reaping! There is intensity in the harvest and it takes dedication and patience! The harvest is always there it just takes the laborers to go… out and labor for the harvest!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Living Outside The Box
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Text: Matthew 28:18-20; John 20:21; Acts 1:8
The "Growth Mode" is cans plan for your church! It is easy to fall into a rut and begin to accept that growth is not possible for your church! That is when the "Maintenance Mose" set in. Get into God's plan and follow the "Go" plan of God! Get free and share the Gospel to all!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
I Have A Friend
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Text: Proverbs 18:24
A true friendship does not consist of a huge number of friends you keep but it is valued by its worth and capability to hold you and stand by you in all phases of life.
Friends love each other and help each other! The way that Jesus’ disciples reciprocate the friendship He showed them is by doing what He asked of them.
We have been called a friend of God! We have rehearsed it and we have sung it and we are to believe God for friendship in the hour we live!
We show are friendship in this way – in obeying the Father’s will, putting one another first and sharing the life of Jesus with the whole world.