
Saturday Nov 02, 2013
Believing In Difficult Times
Saturday Nov 02, 2013
Saturday Nov 02, 2013
Text: Genesis 6:8; Genesis 6:18; Genesis 6:22
Secondly, we should notice that the Lord obviously observed stability in Noah! Through it all, though, it seems quite obvious that, as with everything else, God supplied Noah's needs in terms of supplies and support throughout the destiny at hand!
B. When God is silent – Wait!
C. When God moves – Follow!

Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Faith Has A Opposite
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Sunday Oct 20, 2013
Text: Isaiah 41:10; Hebrews 11:32-40
Whether we want to admit it or not there is a battle that rages against humanity and especially those of the Kingdom of God! The battle is a “Fight of Faith”!
Everyone has a choice to live by faith or to choose fear! He never gave us a spirit of fear! To embrace that which will hinder you in prayer and paralyze you as you endeavor to move forward in the promises of God would be foolishness! Always choose the good reputation of faith!

Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Faith Has A Story
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Thursday Oct 10, 2013
Text: 2 Corinthians 2:12-17; 2 Corinthians 3:1-4; 2 Corinthians 3:17
I have often reflected and stated boldly, “We as Christians, are
walking advertisements of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His power!"
Our lives as Christians are not a fiction novel or story, in other words, literature in the form of prose, short stories and novels, which describes imaginary events and people. An invention or fabrication as opposed to fact! But on the contrary, we are non-fiction stories, which are stories that are based on facts, real events, and real people, as we read in the Word of God! We tell the story of Jesus Christ!
Just what is the title of your epistle in this life? What would the forward of your story say? How would the end be written?

Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Faith Has A Witness
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Saturday Oct 05, 2013
Text: Hebrews 12:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:2
Instead of adding to the measure of faith given to all by the Lord, through practicing faith, the church has instead practiced sin and embraced doubt, fear and disbelief. Not pouring into the next generation the Truth of the Word! Not allowing the “witnesses of faith” to testify of just what the Lord will do and has already done!
Faith does not stand still it is active and fluid in its design to bring response from the Lord our God! Every person should be speaking faith and living out their faith in God! The testimony to the next generation should be that of positive application to an intrinsic value of God’s promise and His eternal Word, which will never pass away.

Monday Sep 23, 2013
Faith Has A Partner
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Text: Mark 11:23-25; John 14:11-13; James 1:2-8; Hebrews 11:6
Faith has a partner named – Prayer.
Faith and prayer are partners and bring into your life the results that you have requested of the Lord! Faith promotes confidence and prayer produces the result of the faith in your heart! The knowledge of God’s Word in your heart produces the ability to be faithful and also to pray in faith to the Father. The Lord desires to give you what you have requested!

Monday Sep 23, 2013
Faith Has Companions
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Monday Sep 23, 2013
Text: Psalm 37:3; Hebrews 10:22-23
Faith has companions by the name of: Trust, Hope and Assurance (Confidence). As Christians we must never forget that our promises are founded in God and that the faith we declare speaks to the doubts that we hear! God never fails and He will always bring what He has promised to you at the right time and place!
When we look at Abraham, Joseph, and other great patriarchs of the Bible we are made keenly aware of the companions of faith, trust, confidence, hope that traveled with them on the road of faith!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
Owning Your Faith
Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
Wednesday Sep 11, 2013
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Ephesians 3:20
Faith is an action word not an inactive word or stagnant in its position.
Faith is lively and brings life to that which is dead! In other words: Faith is “Full of Life”!
We process life each day and come to conclusions before we even enter into the “norm” of our day!
Many times we do not walk in faith but our emotions and our conclusions are determined by what we see or what we hear.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Warfare Faith
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 1 Timothy 1:18-19; 2 Timothy 2:3-5
This life we live, as Christians is a life of faith and a life of warfare! There are moments of great faith and moments of fear and doubt, which try to conquer your belief that God promises are true! God can take the impossibility you have and make it a possibility. He is waiting on you to believe that He will! Don’t doubt or fear but have (an active) faith in your spirit!
As Christians, we must never forget that God cannot deceive and He cannot lie! The enemy of our souls deceives and lies continuously to all those who walk with God (that are committed). He is the father of lies (John 8:44) Faiths success is not that you have been healed or prospered but that you have trusted the Lord in all areas of your life, even now!

Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Three Stages of Identity
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Tuesday Sep 03, 2013
Text: 2 Samuel 7:18; 1 Corinthians 15:10; Leviticus 18:3; 20:22
As we look at these “Three Stages of Identity” it is very clear that as a Christian, a believer, these stages are part of our relationship with God and this physical world we live in now.
Being structurally sound in your identity states that you have built your house (your being) on the “Rock” not on the sand. (Matthew 7:24-28) So many have built on the sands of this world and their identity is in crisis! An identity that can be repaired and a character restored if one would call out to God and recognize just who they are, what they are, and where they are!

Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Knowing Jesus In Your Heart
Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Text: Hebrews 1:1-3; John 8:31-33
Often in our world that we live we witness the testimony of a “Jesus” who has an historical report in the minds of so many. Yes, it is Jesus who they are discussing or testifying of but there is an appropriate sense of relationship that is missing. It is as though there is a statement within the statement, which declares…”I know this Jesus but I really do not know Him but I know of Him.”
You meet a lot of people in your life, well most do, and they become just an acquaintance(s) to you. You may them in the same office, in the same town, even across the country or the oceans afar. You really never get to know them and who they really are. You just meet them at their best or their worst and an opinion is formed in your mind on which you think they are. There never is a relationship built that can support a friendship or romance.
The mass of people who even attend churches across this world, just sit and have a small “talk” or a short conversation through prayer or even worship but never really know the Jesus that the Lord our God has placed in our lives. The One True Savior of the world. God’s only begotten Son! The heir of all that the Father has created and who He created all things through!