
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
The Man
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Saturday Mar 15, 2014
Text: 1 Timothy 2:5
This man, as stated in the text, is the Man Christ Jesus!

Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Promises That Come True
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Thursday Feb 20, 2014
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 11:13
One of the most important characteristics or properties to remember about the promises from God is that they all find their answer in Christ. We speak the Amen through Him to the glory of God. Each promise that you receive must still reside in the knowledge of who Christ Jesus is and what He can do! Whether they are present promises or promises to look for with great hope!

Saturday Feb 08, 2014
His Aim To Give Power To His Church
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
Saturday Feb 08, 2014
Text: Acts 1:8
The Lord directed his disciples and others to wait in Jerusalem for the Power of The Holy Spirit. This power given brought:
1. Power of Prayer
2. Power of Praise
3. Power of Purpose
The power of the Holy Spirit is not to wink an eye at! One should not take this power flippantly and place it aside to contain the world and it pleasures. The weakness that is portrayed becomes strength for the enemy. He then can conquer those who may just have the opportunity to bring change to a powerless and grief-stricken world. Prayer, Praise and Purpose will make a difference on this earth! His aim is for us to make a difference even as He did!

Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Empowerment: Holy Spirit's Occupation
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Saturday Feb 01, 2014
Text: Acts 1:1-11; Acts 4:33; John 16:5-11
Grace is power: Something many people do not recognize who are born again! Grace and power go together – God’s unmerited favor, His gift of salvation, redemption and baptism come together and is infused (bathed, imparted, permeated) with the power of the Holy Spirit!
Grace is bountiful and unmerited but God finds it in His justice and mercy to gift us with such! To redeem us from a world of fear, pain and anguish that is filled with hopelessness and despair.
To promise us hope that does not fail! We are washed by the Blood of the Lamb of God and set free to worship Him. We have been given the liberty of praise and a life of service unto Him!
God has given us Grace!

Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Baptism: Obedience Revealed
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Saturday Jan 25, 2014
Text: Mark 3:13-17; Romans 6:3-5
Revealed through an outward act that reveals inward change. The statement of action reveals the source of our salvation through Christ Jesus. One that is baptized is stating: 'I am dying to self inside that I may make a statement of life on the outside.'
What this signifies is that you believe in your salvation so deeply and truly that you realize the act of baptism is testifying of your death and now resurrection to life through Christ! Grace has been applied to your life so you may live that life assured of your salvation and your future hope in Christ Jesus. Your obedience is revealed in such a way that you identify with the glory of Jesus and His Resurrection and the gift that you have: Eternal Salvation!

Monday Jan 13, 2014
Salvation: Redemptions Result
Monday Jan 13, 2014
Monday Jan 13, 2014
Text: Ephesians 1:7; Mathew 20:28
Redemption: Saving, freeing from sin, absolution (forgiveness, pardon, Freedom).
Grace: Unmerited favor; Love = Grace; Grace = Love
As Christians, believers in His saving Grace and His redeeming power, we should never forget these words! When the storms blend into life like the colors of a sunset we need to hang on to the promise of God! Not to give in to sin and temptation but too give Him praise!
Remaining in Him daily through His Grace we can join with Paul and say we trust that His Grace is sufficient! We will rejoice in that!

Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Sin: The Great Disconnect
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Text: Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3
Sin brings a disconnection with God through disobedience to His commands.
➢ Grace: God’s mercy shown when it is not deserved.
➢ Grace: Favor of the Lord given when there should be judgment bestowed.
➢ Grace: Gives us the unmerited favor we need to have a relationship, friendship, and reconciliation with God.
Grace enables us to receive from God the unmerited favor and gives us a connection again to Him for eternity.
➢ We must though, reconnect through Him who first loved us!
➢ We must abandon this world and its lusts and lies!
➢ We must do the will of the Father!

Wednesday Jan 01, 2014
Faith Brings Results
Wednesday Jan 01, 2014
Wednesday Jan 01, 2014
Text: 2 Timothy 1:1-12; Jeremiah 31:17
Faith is a remarkable gift and it brings results to our lives and hope to our souls. Without faith it is impossible to please God! Faith surrounds, underscores and leads us in our walk with Jesus!
Do not worry, but be confident when it comes to your walk with God and His faithfulness toward you! He has promised you great promises that only He can promise and only you can receive through your faith in Him!

Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Bringing Someone To Jesus
Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Saturday Dec 28, 2013
Text: Mark 2:1-12
➢ Point: He had only 4 disciples: Simon, Andrew, James and John.
➢ Point: Immediately crowds were gathering, whole cities came to see Him.
➢ Point: He now returns to His headquarters – Capernaum.

Saturday Nov 30, 2013
What To Do In Crisis
Saturday Nov 30, 2013
Saturday Nov 30, 2013
Text: Ephesians 6:13
Crisis may come also by following a command of a leader or even from following the directives of the Word.