
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
At A Distance
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Luke 18:9-14
What keeps you or anyone, for that matter, at a distance from Jesus and His mercy?
The tax collector stood at a distance and he prayer with humility and honesty.
Come close to God and He will come close to you James 4:8

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Hope In A Hopeless World
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text Hebrews 6:13-20
Hope: In Scripture, a confident expectation for the future, describing both the act of hoping and the object hoped for. When grounded in God, hope provides the motivation to live the Christian life even in the face of trouble.
Hope in God: A total grounding of one’s confidence and expectation in God’s goodness and providential care even in the face of trouble.

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Getting A Trim
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Hebrews 12:1-3; Psalm 78:4;4:6-7
This text begins with a reference to the great chapter of “Faith”, Hebrews 11. Those who had lived through so much to continue forward in God’s Kingdom. Forsaking so much that they would love to have to accept what was better and that was God’s direction and His Truth.
Not changing the plan God had made to fit their own plans nor building off their own rules and cloaking them as though they were Gods. These great people of “Faith” believed God and His commands to gain what they could not yet see!
Sin Defined: The Bible describes sin as the breaking, or transgression, of God's law (1 John 3:4). It is also defined as disobedience or rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7), as well as independence from God. The original translation means "to miss the mark" of God's holy standard of righteousness.

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Lift Him Up
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Psalm 3:1-8; Psalm 7:10; Psalm 121; Hebrews 12:2
Psalm 3
Takes on a journey about what we should be doing in times of despair and heartache. Times when poverty strikes without warning, sickness enters in through the cracks without warning. When news comes that is like an enemy, which holds the whole armory of weaponry!

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Clean Up The House
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Matthew 3:11-12
Keep away from mental sins (Matthew 5:27-30). A Christian's thoughts should be holy (Romans 12:2). Our fellowship with God helps us make decisions (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). Christians should please God with their thoughts (Philippians 4:8)
We must be very aware, everyday throughout our life to keep our house clean. Not just swept (where people can see but also where people cannot see) but clean and holy: Holiness is not a term from the early ages or a historical feature that was for the time in the early church! Holiness is for then and now.

Monday May 05, 2014
Serving Others
Monday May 05, 2014
Monday May 05, 2014
Text: Matthew 20:25-28
Three areas that will be addressed:
A. Love of God
B. Character of God’s Love in us
C. Serving others with that character of God’s Love
POINT: They wanted Him to be their king but He came to be their servant
POINT: Jesus served mankind in such a way that He was crucified for it. He came to serve not to be served!
As the Church we need to always know God’s love and how it is designed for our life. We must have the character of God’s love in us. Having that love active in us at all times. The act of serving others is as natural as breathing! These three areas of our relationship with God and also with others are pertinent to our reaching this world with the Gospel of Christ.

Monday May 05, 2014
Burdens You Bear
Monday May 05, 2014
Monday May 05, 2014
Text: Mark 15:21
There are some burdens that we can share with others, but there are also some that we alone can carry. The first is a burden to heavy for one to carry – an oppressive weight, which one is expected to carry for a long distance! The second burden is meaning (like) a soldiers knapsack, light enough for every person to carry on their own! Light, like the one referred to by Christ in Matt. 11:30 – “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Bearing one’s load means answering to God Himself for what one has done! There are some burdens that we cab share with others, but there are also some that we alone can carry.

Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Do You Know Your Position? - Parts 1 and 2
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014
How important it is to know your position with the Lord (as a child of God)!
Knowing your positional purpose will bring counsel of the Lord, which will stand against all odds! Having a positional purpose brings unity of spirit and a togetherness of faith (outlined as Good News). Jesus had His positional purpose always before Him and that is why He was able to overcome those who tried to detour Him!
Knowing your position will reveal your potential in His Presence, Purpose and His Power for your life. He will reveal to you your position and you will see the Lord bring victory in the battle!

Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Do You Know Jesus?
Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Saturday Mar 29, 2014
Text: Luke 4: 16-27
This teaching today is designed to explain how so many really did not know Jesus when He was on this earth. He was incomprehensible, opaque, perplexing. The immediate thought is that of course I know Jesus but am I living for Him? Think deeply in your heart about this!

Saturday Mar 22, 2014
Being Reminded
Saturday Mar 22, 2014
Saturday Mar 22, 2014
There are gifts and promises that God has given each individual Christian (or child of God) that often times have become dormant because of a lack of practice or use. Put aside for the reason that it does not seem important anymore! Shelved because it did not seem possible to have such a gift or promise! Robbed by the enemy of your soul because he was threatened by what you had received!