
Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
The Decision of Moses
Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
Wednesday Nov 19, 2014
Text: Hebrews 11:23-29
These scriptures today, yet only 7 verses, draw out a path and an excellent paradigm (model, example, pattern, prototype) for every person connected to the Kingdom of God to live by! This prototype is giving everyone unction (fervor, zeal), to “get up” to begin the road to his or her purpose. So that each can have a pattern to mirror too. There are some patterns that you find, when tried, just do not fit and can cause a person to fail or even live like they are never moving because the “shoe” does not fit!

Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Against Hope - Believed Hope
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Saturday Oct 04, 2014
Romans 4:13-21
These statements in scripture bring such enlightenment
to us about faith and how our faith needs to be placed in God and not in human
reason! In our humanity we discount what God can do and we embrace what only
man can do through his limited abilities. The scripture in Romans 4 verse 18, grammatically
this is known as an oxymoron, a figure of speech in which contradictory ideas
are combined.

Saturday Sep 27, 2014
My Faith
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Saturday Sep 27, 2014
Text: Hebrews 11:1; Romans 12:2-4
Faith is… and faith is given in measure… These words that are often times misunderstood by the reader and the one living by faith!
Faith questioned? How is that? How strong is your faith? Where do you apply faith each day? How do you exercise your faith? Faith is a more than a word it is a characteristic of a Christian and what that Christian believes.

Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
The Thought Of Loneliness
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Wednesday Sep 17, 2014
Text: Psalm 22:1-2; Matthew 27:46
The Grace of God is abundant for our lives. Reading and listening to these powerful words in Scripture brings thoughts of abandonment, desertion, and rejection. These words amply describe loneliness, which in turn brings emotion pain and confusion.
Often time loneliness can be situational and not permanent! Also, conditional with duty coupled with a sense of abandonment.
In either case or other circumstances that can cause loneliness, an abrupt shudder races through your soul! Questions begin to be asked in your bruised heart and the mind becomes sharp and thoughtful.

Saturday Sep 13, 2014
The Conclusion Of All That Matters
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Saturday Sep 13, 2014
Text: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
We are speaking today on having wisdom. How to apply it to the Lord’s relationship with each of His children! Having true relationship with God through Jesus Christ, not a religious experiment through a church!
“The remarkable thing about fearing God,” wrote Oswald Chambers, “is that, when you fear God, you fear nothing else; whereas, if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.”
Corrie ten Boom said, “The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration but its donation.”

Saturday Sep 06, 2014
In The Winds Of The Storm
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Saturday Sep 06, 2014
Text: Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 14:22-33
These scriptures draw a marvelous picture of what the disciples were like. Even more so it describes the church today in many facets. Furthermore, it describes families and individuals in there depth of trust and recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We always remember that the Eternal Father is strong to save all or any individual from any storm that life may produce! Storms can be treacherous and without mercy or when there is not any end in sight! What must always be tendered in the heart and soul is this statement: “Be Still My Soul.” Jesus is in control of all matters of life and eternity!

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Having Confidence
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Philippians 1:6; Psalm 138:8; Psalm 62:11-12
Do you ever feel that your confidence has settled and you have accomplished as much as you can?
Do you ever feel behind everyone else and never ahead (not competiveness) but spiritually unqualified to do something great?
Do you just want to give up and not continue in what you believe the Lord has begun in your life?
There is an old saying: Honesty is the best policy. Always be honest and do not place yourself in that location spiritually that you hide behind the wall of insecurity.

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
What Can I Do?
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Philippians 4:10-13
These words of Paul to the Philippians have
withstood the winds of time and all the critics:
“I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”
What a statement, which can be a pillar and a foundation of your faith that the Lord will provide no matter what state, you are in. The Lord will be with you and your needs will be taken care of.

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Weapons Of Warfare
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
We are living a time of great warfare and battles are raging in homes, places of employment, churches, and in cities, towns and counties across this world. People are confused about what is going on in their lives. Christians are the answer to this confusion because we can show them Jesus the Captain of our Salvation and Deliverance! The Author and Finisher of our Faith! We can speak to them about the confusion only when we learn how to win the warfare that we face daily! This warfare is amplified like never before in our lives and the lives outside the Kingdom parameters.

Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Expanding Your Boundaries
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Thursday Aug 14, 2014
Text: Isaiah 6:1-9a; Isaiah 26:15; Isaiah 42:10
As strange or awkward as it may seem, the Church, has kept herself looking down a narrow path of vision instead of realizing that God has promised her, through faith, a Kingdom, which He has created.
We often time settle for the least instead of seeking the more!