
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Text: Psalm 121:1-2

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
The Journey Part #3 - Provision and Gladness
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Psalm 23:5-6
On the basis of this trust, every moment of David's life will be filled with God’s richest blessings. The greatest blessing will be an intimate fellowship with God through continued worship of Him.
What was comforting to David was that this was in the presence of his enemies. Despite impending danger, the Lord spread out a table for him, that is, God provided for him.

Monday Mar 09, 2015
The Journey Part 2 - The Valley
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Text: Psalm 23:4
In the journey that you (we) are on the walk is simply easier when you can see with you eyes the fruit of your journey! However, when sight becomes dark and there is a dimmed and almost bleak vision of your life as you once saw it and rejoiced in it, questions arise and fear dictates.
In the valley, faith should reign and prayer should resound the very words when (that) you stated when you first believed. Trials will come at various times and in unwanted places in your (our) life. It is how you walk that speaks loudly how you truly believe and what you have retained in your daily prayer life.

Monday Mar 09, 2015
The Journey
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Psalm 23:1-6

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
The New You
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17
This scripture expresses deeply in our hearts the realization of “Change". The Word change can also be defined as "transformation", which one can and should conclude that there is a total difference in a person once they are transformed.

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Joy Is Strength
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Text: Nehemiah 8:9-11; Galatians 5:1; Galatians 5:22-26
God calls his people to the celebration of new life. One’s faith is optimistic because of God’s power. Real joy is an expression of faith in what God can do and is doing.

Friday Nov 28, 2014
You Have Enough
Friday Nov 28, 2014
Friday Nov 28, 2014
Text: Psalm 23:1-3; 2 Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Which Way Are You Going?
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Text: Exodus 14:13-15
The Lord leads them to the seas edge. That would sound great if this was a planned day at the beach with the church. It would awesome if there were not all these soldiers and horsemen along with chariots chasing after Israel! The Israelites had been now moving forward for about a week and their journey to the seas edge had taken them 2-3 days. They could go no further!

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
How Big Do You Dream?
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Text: Ephesians 3:20-21; Philippians 4:13
Paul is the writer in both these texts. He has had a life, which one could explain as – faithful, tragic, incredible, exciting, fruitful and certainly not ever boring! He served the Lord with deep convictions and poured those convictions into those he spoke the gospel to!
Paul living in days that was interwoven with such disorder and false teaching one would expect that Paul would just give up and be satisfied with just being saved and having a job. But no, Paul was a dreamer and had deep convictions on just what the Lord wanted him to do on this earth?

Friday Nov 21, 2014
What Do You Think?
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Text: Proverbs 23:7
What an amazing scripture we find here in the wisdom of Proverbs. Reading this text opens the mind to a search of what a person is thinking. The piercing truth is that it states quite simply and yet very boldly that what a person thinks in his or her heart defines who that person is! There is no gray area here at all. The application of this scripture dictates what this person will become and who that person is in the present time!