
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Bless The Lord
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Text: Psalm 103:1-5

Thursday Dec 03, 2015
The Witness That Comes
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Text: Romans 8:15-17
There is a witness in each of us, those that are His children through the Blood of Jesus Christ! There is an assurance that we are His, and that being daily, as we fight this world in its immoral values and systems that try to degrade the power of God and His Promises! Listen for that witness! Even the deaf can hear that witness from with the heart and spirit!
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
The Power Of Forgiveness
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Sunday Nov 15, 2015
Text: Matthew 18:21-22
By forgiving others, we free ourselves spiritually and emotionally. Forgiveness is an act of our own personal will in obedience and submission to God’s will, trusting God to bring emotional healing.
Human forgiveness is addressed in the Bible and is equated to God forgiving the human being.
Opening: Let us never forget the reason Jesus came to this earth is that we would be forgiven of our sins!

Friday Sep 25, 2015
Turning Point
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Text: Genesis 3:1-7
This amazing section of the Bible gives us the story of the “turning point” for all humanity. The decision that was made by Eve, through the craftiness of the serpent, caused a reaction that had a domino effect of God’ relationship with mankind.
This “turning point” had a rippling effect throughout the known history of mankind as recorded in the Bible and other reputable historical writings. Story after story there are testimonies of “turning points” with people, both men and women alike, which were either negative or positive but also affected others buy the decision made at the “turning point”.

Monday Jul 06, 2015
Tragedy Knocks At Your Door
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Monday Jul 06, 2015
Text: John 16:33

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Promise Of The Holy Spirit Power
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Text: Luke 24:29; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-4
A. Fulfillment of prophecy spoken by Joel in 2:28-32
B. Salvation has drawn near and approachable
C. There is Power given to all that will believe

Monday May 25, 2015
Be Determined
Monday May 25, 2015
Monday May 25, 2015
Text: Philippians 3:12-14

Sunday May 24, 2015
Let Joy Reign
Sunday May 24, 2015
Sunday May 24, 2015
Text: James 1:2-4
We are to rejoice in the relationship we have with the Lord. Happiness (Joy) is a choice, but on the other hand it is a command by the Lord to "rejoice", to be happy!
Joy and Faith are the result of a steadfast heart, which truly believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is joy in His Kingdom and it is a gift to you.

Monday Apr 27, 2015
All Is Well
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Text: 2 Kings 4:8-37
God’s restoration of the woman’s dead son reminds us that no believer’s loss is permanent.
The Statement: “All is well” declares to us as readers, and believers of the Word of God that even though there may be times of great despair and confusion God will always revive what was lost in the midst of time.

Thursday Apr 23, 2015
That Place
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Thursday Apr 23, 2015